Getting Your Garden Ready for Summer and the Summer Selling Market

Getting Your Garden Ready for Summer and the Summer Selling Market

  • Caryn Black
  • 05/15/24

Getting Your Garden Ready for Summer and the Summer Selling Market


As the warmer months approach, preparing your garden can not only enhance your enjoyment of your outdoor space but also significantly boost your home's curb appeal if you're planning to sell this summer. A well-maintained garden speaks volumes about the overall care of a home and can be a decisive factor for potential buyers. Here’s how you can get your garden ready for summer and make your home stand out in the competitive summer selling market.


1. Clean Up and Clear Out

Begin with a thorough clean-up of your garden. Remove any debris, dead plants, and weeds that have accumulated over the cooler months. Prune overgrown bushes and trees to ensure they look neat and allow sunlight to penetrate your garden. This step is crucial for setting a clean base for further gardening and staging efforts.


2. Plan Your Planting

Decide on a planting strategy that will showcase your garden at its best during the summer months. Consider a mix of perennials and annuals that bloom at different times so your garden remains vibrant throughout the season. Choose colors that complement your home's exterior and add visual interest. Don’t forget to include some greenery that will stay lush even in the hottest months.


3. Repair and Refresh Garden Beds

Refresh the soil in your garden beds by adding new compost or mulch. This will not only help retain moisture and suppress weeds but also give your garden a fresh, cared-for look. Ensure that any edging is repaired or replaced as needed to define spaces clearly and improve the overall neatness of your garden.


4. Focus on Lawn Care

A lush, green lawn is a quintessential element of summer and adds immensely to curb appeal. Start early with lawn care by aerating, seeding, and fertilizing as needed. Regular mowing and edging will keep it looking manicured and inviting. If there are bare patches, take the time to reseed them to ensure an even, attractive turf.


5. Add Colorful Containers

Containers and hanging baskets are a fantastic way to add instant color and charm to your garden, especially if space or time is limited. They can be strategically placed to highlight certain areas, like the entrance or patio. Choose containers that match the style of your home and fill them with a variety of plants that will bloom throughout the summer.


6. Create Outdoor Living Spaces

If you're selling your home, showcasing how the garden extends living space is a big plus. Set up areas for dining, lounging, or even an outdoor work area if it fits your lifestyle. Simple furniture, outdoor rugs, and accessories like cushions and throws can make these areas more inviting and demonstrate the functionality of your outdoor space.


7. Lighting and Finishing Touches

As the days get longer, effective outdoor lighting can make your garden and outdoor living spaces usable and attractive even after sunset. Solar lights along pathways, spotlights on key plants or trees, and string lights in dining or sitting areas can create a magical evening atmosphere.


8. Regular Maintenance

Once your garden is in shape, keep up with regular maintenance. This includes watering, weeding, deadheading flowers, and keeping paths and patios clean. A well-maintained garden will always make a better impression on potential buyers.


Enhance Your Home's Market Value with B&B Luxury Properties

Your garden can play a crucial role in the appeal and value of your home, especially in the summer selling market. At B&B Luxury Properties, we understand the importance of every detail in presenting your home at its best. Whether you are preparing to sell or simply want to enhance your property's outdoor appeal, our team is here to help. Contact B&B Luxury Properties today to learn more about how we can assist you in maximizing your home’s value with a stunning garden and expertly staged outdoor spaces.


Getting Your Garden Ready for Summer and the Summer Selling Market
Getting Your Garden Ready for Summer and the Summer Selling Market
Getting Your Garden Ready for Summer and the Summer Selling Market
Getting Your Garden Ready for Summer and the Summer Selling Market
Getting Your Garden Ready for Summer and the Summer Selling Market
Getting Your Garden Ready for Summer and the Summer Selling Market
Getting Your Garden Ready for Summer and the Summer Selling Market
Getting Your Garden Ready for Summer and the Summer Selling Market

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